Welcome to Help4theHome.com, a resource for the Christian home! We have several products available for you such as the children’s books, “The Adventures of Herb Meyer.” We also offer a young men’s curriculum designed to help them grow up to be strong men for the Lord called, “The Mighty Man’s Challenge.” Our website also offers several videos and other resources (like our children’s puppet show and free coloring pages) for you to check out. Our goal is to be able to partner alongside with you as you strive to build a godly Christian home!

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”-Psalm 127:1

Pastor Roger & Joann Jimenez

The Mighty Man's Challenge

The Mighty Man’s Challenge is a 5 year program meant to help transform your sons into Mighty Men for the Lord. Each year of this challenge includes a step by step plan on what your son needs to accomplish to help him become a competent, confident, godly Christian man. You can learn more about the Mighty Man’s Challenge by clicking here!

The Adventures of Herb Meyer

The Adventures of Herb Meyer are Christian children’s books that teach kids Biblical principles. You can learn more about The Adventures of Herb Meyer and find other great children’s content by clicking here!